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Super foods, what are they? And do we really need them?

According to the internet, super foods are ‘Nutrient-rich foods considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being’. Super foods have become the latest craze, boasted about in magazines and by health experts and foodies. If they’re raging on about, why aren’t we trying it?

There is conflict as to what a super food actually is. Some say super foods are just everyday foods that we consume in everyday life as everything we have is extremely beneficial. But others say its foods such as Goji Berries, Cacao, wheatgrass powder and so much more. But are they the only foods considered to be ‘Super foods’.

I believe that everything is good for you when taken in moderation; there isn’t really anything in this world that is bad for you to eat. Chocolate is not bad, it is okay to have some just not too much. If you have too much then you’ll see negative effects that you don’t want. Foods such as sugar have gotten such a bad reputation because of this when really we just need to take them in moderation. The same goes for fats, we all need fat, especially healthy fats, such as avocados.

Restricting your body of the nutrients it needs, will not benefit you.

Yes, super foods are good for you but they will only be good for you if taken in moderation with a healthy and balance diet. That also goes to say a healthy lifestyle, be happy, exercise, do the things you enjoy the most and you’ll see the results you want to see.

Yes, it is tempting to go all out when Goji Berries are said to help you lose weight, but eating them alone won’t do that. Goji berries are my absolute favourite, I put them in everything! Granola, cereal and oats.

That being said, I’d have to say we don’t NEED super foods but I think we should have them. There is nothing wrong with extra health benefits.
Remember the key to a healthy lifestyle, is to eat everything in moderation, keep happy, stay active and smile!

Here is a list of foods that I think are super:
-        Blueberries
-        Cranberries
-        Quinoa
-        Oats
-        Goji berries
-        Broccoli
-        Spinach
-        Avocado
-        Green tea
-        Almonds
-        Ginger
-        Cranberries
-        Lentils
-        Dark chocolate (Yum!)

The list is honestly endless, but these are a few I can name from the top of my head. Again, this is entirely my opinion. I’m trying to convert to Veganism so the foods that I haven’t included are eggs and dairy products which I think would also make the list!

Thank you for reading! Tell me what foods you class as ‘super’?

(photos are not mine)

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